Jun 27, 2019
As we wrap up our focus on health and wellness this month, I'm going to share with you my story about hope through depression and suicidal thoughts. *Affiliate links present.*
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and want to talk with someone, the suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255 and they do have a live chat...
Dec 20, 2018
Am I resting or am I just lazy? Well, that depends. As I’ve been talking about rest, I was asked what laziness looks like. This is an important topic to talk about because if we aren’t careful, our resting could turn to laziness. Let’s look at the Bible for this. I’m going to give you my best understanding at...
Nov 22, 2018
Something that has recently been mind-blowing to me was that when I was recently asked about how business was going, I responded that I was content with where I was. I’m usually the person who wants more money, I need more other things, I want to do more and be more. I’m content about my accountability coaching,...
Nov 1, 2018
God's word is so powerful and when we use those to speak truth over ourselves, it makes a huge difference! I've taken the hard work out of things and created a printable list of Bible verses you can use to speak truth over yourself. You can download that now and start speaking biblical affirmations...
Oct 23, 2018
Lucas and I share our conversation about what we expected going into our marriage and what we still expect. It's a fun conversation that reveals more of who we are as a couple.